Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

[This picture was taken on 19-07-85. The day when we were celebrating our youngest daughter's 6th birthday]

Life is an admixture and experiment of sour, sweet, bitter & chilly moments as the Chinese sages define it.

But there's always something that can bring a happy moment into our life in a way. Remembering and referring back to those moments will nevertheless help us get through the down times.

On a Saturday night I was in my little library (a very small corner in my room) making my family album in motioned VCD for the purpose of distributing to my grown children as a memento.

The job was interesting but was a bit tedium. A sequence process of scan-crop-resize-despeckle-view-save.

It was a rainy night, I was drinking while doing my work, and suddenly noted the night had turned very cold.

I supposed to heighten the degree of air-cond but on the spur of that moment (as I turned over) I noticed my wife was sleeping so deeply, revealing a peaceful but slight wrinkly face. A face of symbolical sacrifice - of whom had (suffered) married me at little 16. Ah, my indebtedness!

I then made a cat-walk to add on another sweater and went on to continue my work. Picture by picture to scan in, and suddenly I came across the picture (as shown), I held it and relished from it for quite a long moment. The picture figured in one of my happy moments, a happy moment that only a shilyshallying father can fully appreciate. My goodness.

It was 2 at the late-night. The sweet moment had eventually postponed my work.

"Being happy and making others feel happy is the most providential thing." I thought.

"The moment of that kiss contained every happy moment I had ever lived."
(Paulo Coelho quotes, Mystical author, one of Brazil's most successful novelist).