Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

In this world, most men were prompted crazy from time to time during their life's cycle (historical period). The realization of balancing in life comes only when they are getting old. And me is not the exceptional.

The elements that caused to interrupt the wheel of man's lifecycle are inevitably the behavioral inclination of somethings that people have been repeating to us over the years.

These included; Games, gamblings, womanizings, reputations, cars, alcohols money, actions & ....

Believe it or not, read on the following conversations between me and one of my friends, who is a grandfather of 4 sons, hereafter refferred to as Fang:

Me: "Congrat, old Fang, now you've got a good life. Got many sons and many grandchildren. No worries lah."

Fang: "Lampah (shit) lah! 4 sons 4 patterns, one is gambling ghost, one is mad with women, one is alcohol ghost, last one is a bookworm. You see, sooisiau (unlucky) or not!"

Me: "Aiya! don't bother about them lah, later on they will automatically change to good lah."

Fang: "I hope so. they changed now and then. Like the eldest one, formerly he was fond of womanizing, after marriaged, now became gambling ghost pula."

Me: "How about the 2nd one?"

Fang: "This one ah, don't talk lah, last time very crazy in doing business, after having some money, playing cars and playing women, lulu siausiau! (hanky-panky). You talk, he won't listen."

Me: "Take it easy lah, naturally he'll retire from womanizing soon. How about the 3rd one?"

Fang: "Aiyo! this one champ (worse) loh! drink from morning until night. Almost every midnight he has to be carried home by people. But he holiau (is good), he could go to open shop early in the morning."

Me: "Mai hiam bey phai (no bad) ah, at least he's caring his business."

Fang: "Yongest one leh, whole day reading. Sampai (even) his mother called him to eat, he also don't think of eating. Everyday he's playing computer. Don't know he is whether truly studying or looking at charbor (porn). I afraid one day he could become mad from reading."

Me: "Is good wah, at least he got learning to deal with. Is better then those who are doing notting but sucking white powder only."

Fang: "You see, all no 3 no 4 (unevenness), but luckily none of them was mixing with bad people and went for robbing."

Me: "Aiya! mai haim bey phai (pretty good) lah! The most important thing is, do they give you money for eating kuih (money for living)?"

Fang: "Hengchai (luckily)! ka ka kiam kiam (some) lah. Eh! how about your children?"

Me: "Not like you got so many watertaps. My 2 daughters have already let other people to feed. My eldest son, almost same with yours lah, he is loving his business and car."

Fang: "hi! men are all like that one. Don't talk about them, last time we were also same sama like that. Ha ha ha!"

Me: "Don't be tortoise laugh at turtle lah! This is called an [innate man's world]."

disclaimer: views expressed are not necessarily of the blogger.