Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

Everyone has visions in his life. But many of us go through life not clear about which direction we want to go.

The visions for our life come in various degrees of intensity and timing. Visions often shift and change with systems in our lifetime, and with movement from one stage of life to another.

What we want in our life can be planed and organized into agenda. So that we could have a life of excitement and fun and knowledge. But the philosophy of planing ahead of what we want in our life sometimes went futile. The fruitless plan is something somehow exclaimed as "Faith" by those forks who have had a failing life and those who believe in allegory.

One bankrup said, if you could predict and get to know who would be you youself in future, then there would be no beggars in this world. But quite often a wealthy people would acclaimed that his successful status was because of his prior good planning.

Hero makes the phenomena of society OR the society makes hero? The inexactitude makes it difficult to be answered aright.

If you scoure through this reality world. The unjust fortune set the scene for another worldiness. There are rich people scattering money on big houses and luxury cars. At the other end, there are poor people scavenging for food. In between, there are bourgeoisie working like a hell just for surviving. Is it the decent willing of god?

As children, most of us truly believed we'd grow up to become a rich people and do unique things. The trial and error of growing up never quite fulfills our ambitious. Although some call it a faith, yet ambitious or visions ignite many of us and rekindle our spirit of aliveness.

When I was 17, all adults I knew seemed to teach, "Young man, work harder and one day your head will breakthrough the sky liner." At that time I was dreaming of futuristic events of having a comfortable house, a nice car and a beautiful girl. So I worked like a donkey in believing the silly axiom.

After 13 years, no augmentative income. I found myself was still thirty nothing. Then I begun to realize that life is not a "saving box", of which is end-rewardable. I asked myself: was I living the life I'd wanted to live or was I the victim of the society? Living a life of "thirty nothing" requires a very tough kind of self-questioning.

Decades of donkey's life has passed. Now only I see the fruit, akin a pumpkin of small size but not like the one weights 557kg auctioned at the annual Safeway World Championship Pumpkin which has shown in today's Star paper. And now only I've learnt to realize where shall I go next!

Did I went through the early part of my life with plans? No really. Although I had plans, I had dreams and I had visions but they just couldn't be favored with right outcomes. As if I'd been sailing a boat in the ocean and luckily found a shore at the end.

I've considered myself as "lucky" because most of my friends were used to sent me a kudos: "Wah! Rob, You have a good faith to live like that" but none of them would express: "Wah! Rob, You're smart to plan your life like that".

Chinese proverb cited that, "life is given by 3 marks depend on god; 4 marks reckon on hardworking". Could we control our life? Could we go beyond that 4 marks?

Perhaps, between health and whelth, there is a difficult tradeoff as yet to be made.


I've bookmarked your blog. You write from experience and this is good stuff.

Thanks bergen, welcome!