Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

Yesterday, one of my clients pinned the blame on my network scripts that has given to him the other day. In his phone conversation he complained, "Rob, LP lah! your scripts was a bogus one, it hung my network only." I explained to him that it was my production and was not a bogus one, it was non-functional due to typical error. But he argued that whatever thing that is producing mistake is bogus!

I was not pretty sure on his statement, since my rusty mental lexicon could have just only translated it into "fake" or "fraud". However I was not compromised.

In order to screen out the fact, so I immediately fired my Firefox, threw my inquiry "what's the meaning of bogus" to Answers.com and popped! Briefly were the definitions flashed. I explored into it. Bellyful humph! I cognized that I've been all the while living in a bogus world that's full of bogies!

Be it amboguous (having multiple bogus interpretations); bogotissimo (in a gloriously bogus manner); and bogotophile (one who is pathologically fascinated by the bogus), is extant and is inevitably happened in this globe.

Then it is non-functional; useless; false; incorrect; unbelievable; silly; fraudulent; fake; sham; fraud; pretender; and phony. That's in either way could has been just lived through by us.

Oh my god! That means I'm a bogus human and so you are too! Just because we're same living in a bogus world! On top of that, we do carry many bogus things in the course of human events and activities, perhaps.

OK, OK! let me think and count how many bogus things I have ... (by non-idiomatic words)

I've one bogoBolton degree (sorry Bolton! I meant here); I've another bogoFPNA award (sorry NIA! here only); I've one bogofila shoe; I've one bogoumbrella shirt; I've one bogopc (without bland); I've ... Aiyo! many leh!

In our society, I'm sure that we've came across many bogus things, such as credit card, currency, policeman, datoship, doctor, accountant, saleman, cds, software, helmet reported today and .... countless.

Contrastingly, bogus thing can be a good one also. For example, lies to kid to prevent his juvenile delinquency; bring dishonor upon oneself's financial inability against borrower; telling unsubstantial story to subsist being late at work; orientated bluffing to prevent conflict between couple and .... is also countless.

Oh yes, may be my says have just triggered your bogometer! But by chance you could have some too!

Anyway, who dare to confess that he has no bogus thing or bogosity (bad or good one) in his life? Maybe an alien from the other planet!