Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

New set of maxims will slow me down but will make me more purposeful.

I do indeed lose some short-term memory as I getting old. This natural decrease in memory function causes me to slow things down particularly in remembering to do things and keep vocabulary.

Typing and looking at the computer screen is now tending to produce a negative result. Both of my index fingers are employed frequently instead of using all fingers on keyboard. Notepad's font is set at 14 points to please my undiscerning eyes. Spelling becomes loose. Sometime even a simple word such as "film" has to be rely on querying "f???" from the e-dictionary. Anyhow I don't think that my ability for abstract thinking or concept information is now compromised.

So far, I've been believing that the most insatiable killer is not heart disease, smoking, or alcohol it's "Inner Kill". This is the art of dying without knowing it. It's when routine living seems to have dulled your emotions. It's feeling like you're coping without being fully alive.

I know I gonna to find a new set of maxims to fertilize future redos such as keep reading & learning new skills, keep exercising my memory. Stale work is gonna to be renewed by fresh play. And most importantly the power of my self-esteem is to be recharged. That's why I choose to keep my blogs writing to help prevent memory loss.

As a reminder, a new PDA is now engaged to jog down instantly of thing-to-do and thing-to-buy. Important memos are encoded into *.pdb (palm's file extension) and loaded together with plenty of ebooks for slow digestion. And of course few mp3 songs for refreshing. Outing now become more purposeful.

Routine time table is changed to have less commitments with broadened time-gap. So that I can have long enough time during the day to collect my thoughts, calm my mind, and regain perspective.

In order to put me into a singular vision of learning rather than multiple tracks, I've hived away those daunting and bittering law books off-site, and displaying only those interested IT books on-site.

It is a grace to cut-off Astro to regain times (concurrently save money) for husband and wife togetherness and for running horse & seeing flower (sight seeing). It's now the "just the two of us" world! I'd said this to my wife.

Opting for fund writing is now become crucial. Less writing on those articles which must be accommodated with deadening references of Acts & regulations. But more on blog's forum. The replacement of which is joyful and the liberty for correctness is there to be much flexible. I have been to the jungle of blogs and enjoyed many blogs which were amazingly blog with much muses.

I'm not gonna to strive to achieve perfection which is now tended to be ultimately counterproductive. I gonna to remind myself that achieving excellence, rather than perfection, is the nobler goal.

Screen people. It may be necessary to reevaluate my relationships, so I can spend less time with the people who don't really matter and more time with the people who do.

Eating less and selectively (to prevent the excessiveness of urine acid) and resume cycling; an added maxim from my doctor.

And of course, I gonna to balance myself into these maxims. Balancing, as individuals, each of us is a system unto ourselves. In the course of day-to-day living, we interact with many other systems. If any interaction becomes dysfunctional, problems are inevitable.

These are all an effective fresh maxims to help me function better on a daily basis.

And lastly, my exhortation "Yeah! I am alive!"