Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

Last night I was in a open-space coffee shop. At the next table there was a not so pretty young woman with a tissue in one hand covering on his nose and hand-fanning in the other. Where I come from that situation, I immediately realized that she was trying to avoid my smoke. I immediately put up a fivefingers sign as a gesture to note my apology and at the same time damped and dumped the balance of my stick worth 20c. But she didn't consider my apology yet still gazed at me by using both of her left-steered eye balls.

I know I've unintentionally infringed her air! So In order to have my next appetite, I then moved to the another very end corner table. Alah! At the next table there was a nice looking madam seeping her drink while having an eye contact with me. I immediately felt uneasy but in order to comprehend my conscious of over clouding. As a compliment I then shown my smile and asked her: "Aunty, no, Ah Yi ah! could I have a blow there?" surprisingly the Ah Yi cordially replied: "Er sai er sai (can can)! Bo boon teh (no problem)! Chu lu siow (go ahead), wa er ung siow pi lu che (my old hubby burnt more than you)". Then she added: "Kooi pau lu siow chi jit? (how many packs you'll smoke a day)". I replied: "one". She then laugh and said: "Chio lah! Wa er ung siow 2 pau chi jit leh (you're less, my hubby will burn 2 packs a day!)". "Oh! Thank you Ah Yi" me said in order to end our conversation.

This time I felt delighted for such kind of warm respect or esteem for being a smoker. Her remark has never the less inspired me to only dare-talk with nice girls in future.

Under the sensational pressure of general public and the general warning of "merokok membahayakan kesihatan" by government. Nowadays smokers are mostly feeling as if they've been discriminated. Not only from the society but from the family at large. It's gotten this bad. Sometime a good (behaved) smoker would feel like no where to stand!

Take me as an example. I'll be blamed if not taking my puff at the very end of my garden. I'll be blamed if not blowing outside the office. I'll be stared if not cordially pleasing for clouding...... and public toilet is more likely became a place for me to have the hangdog smoking.

In fact, smokers are paying more tax then non-smokers in terms of duty. From today onwards, after the national 2006 budget, the price of tobacco will be increased tremendously.

People all say that smoking will spoil our health. But I believe that smoking would only spoil our health lesser if compared with my own statistic hereof:

  • a haul of (Puspacom passed) public vehicle's exhale is equivalent to 400 sticks of cigaret.
  • a breeze of smoky cloud from an activity of public burning is equivalent to 200 sticks of cigaret.
  • a haul of twostroke exhale from motorcycle (such kind of motorcycle has already banned in less developed country like Vietnam) is equivalent to 300 sticks of cigaret.
  • inhaul of excessive ammonia in public toilet is more harmful than a double sticks of cigaret.
So I keep on rolling.


I rolled, I rolled !

I puffed 2 packs of cigarettes 15 years ago. In fact, I took my first puff when I was 8 or 9.

My doctor said I need to stop smoking for 10 years and above to consider as non-smoker. I stopped. Yes, just quit. I believe there is no such thing as addicted to smoking. I didn't suffer from any nicotine withdrawal syndrome.

Well, doctor was not so powerful to help me quit smoking. It was my daughter. She was 6 I remember. She just told me, "dad, stop smoking." So I stopped.

I smoked not because of nicotine. I smoked because I loved the process of buying cigarette, unwrapped it, "tok tok tok, compacting it, lite it up ...

The process is an art, the art similar to preparing a pot of Chinese tea. Just sheer enjoyment. An enjoyment that differentiates myself from other smokers, I think.

Then, I got a set of cigarette roller. I bought tobacco and cigarette papers. I rolled, I rolled my style... yeah, another process to enjoy.

Hi allenext,
Gone are the days we have such kind of stylistic, characteristic in Malboro's style smoking. Now no more tok! tok! tok! and cling! (dupon) arts as what you've been enjoying before.

I really smoked for its task, inhaling nicotine, took its inspiration to refresh myself. Now a 50c lighter comes with a cheaper Rm5.50 cigaratte are just a regular feed. Occasionally rolling for pleasure but no more a big gunned smoking!

My philosophy of smoking is - take it freely without indulgence and without guity in accordance with body's tolerance.

Anyway, it's good to hear that you've quit smoking. For sure (scientists said) you'll gain few more years to look around!

Happy non smoking!