Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

I was all the while much skeptical about Ubuntu. I googled and binged for days on how to get the Ubuntu be installed but yet still didn't have the courage to venture a step farther when booting from a live CD. The hesitation or perhaps the fear had dragged me for a couple of days, as if age had stole onward and benumbed me more and more.

Until the last few days when I came across a statement, posted by one of forum's users like this: "Never wade in water you're afraid to swim in unless it's the Linux pond, cause there's always a life ring in the forums." and that had just reminisced about my words of courage to my little grandchild during a pool-bath time the other day like this: "girl, grandpa is holding your hands and don't be afraid to lay down your body into water." So I took both courages in both hands to explore the usage possibility of Ubuntu.

After 2 attempts of installation, I finally got the Ubuntu having dual booting with Winxp installed inside my Compaq notebook. Everything were seemed workable except the Broadcom wireless lan that was totally not listening to the kernel. I clicked and clicked everywhere to try for any miracle to enable the wireless icon be popping out but gradually getting all in a fluster at the end. Suddenly the impression "is that I'd missed something during the installation" drew away my entire IQ and inadvertently reinstalled the Ubuntu again. Only when after I got the similar defeated desktop, then I realized that I was a computer-idiot! This time I was getting smarter and drew a straight furrow to fire up the Firefox for pounding questions on Google. Finally I got the solution thanked to this friendly tutorial.

Next day, I thought of getting my Lexmark Z1420 wireless printer to work with Ubuntu and as usual I'd to bury myself into search engines. I'd searched arduously for clues, I'd spent long hours of laborious effort, yet Ubuntu was still neglected to marry my printer. I could only bemoaned of being on the horns of a dilemma. The trouble is that I have to alternatively reboot into Winxp to perform my print jobs. If someone asks me to change printer, I'll rather making a U turn back to the road of Windows.

I was much encouraged in learning the Ubuntu-ibus to be functioned inside Tomboy Notes and Gedit as well as enabling my Chinese's files correctly be read-and-written. But Ibus failed to work properly; the system prompted - if you can not use Ibus, please add below lines in $HOME/.bashrc, and relogin your desktop. After inputing these 3 lines; export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus;export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus;export GT_IM_MODULE=ibus, the Ibus eventually worked by firstly to enable IBus daemon; secondly right click on any blanked area of client's window to select Ibus as input method and thirdly right click on the keyboard icon of Ibus in the notification area to select the desired input method from the combobox. Switching to and from Ibus thus required more clicks and is not easier than using Ctrl+Alt keys in Windows for Asian input.

Using Tomboy Notes and Sticky Notes is found to be not productivity improvement over the using of my Windows version of Cinta Notes and Stickies. Cinta Notes allowed me to make multiple tags on single note and the relevant source url address was just automatically be saved. Stickies have more features and ease of use than the Ubuntu's Sticky Notes.

I have the enthusiasm of ripping audio CD to mp3 and the Audio CD Extrator only gave me ogg format unless a Lame plugin was installed. But once there had been an update to the Ubuntu kernel happened, the Lame plugin was just unknowingly missing.

In fact, there is a lot of Ubuntu things to be learned anew like recently I'd learned to press ALT+F2 keys to bring up the run dialog and type smb://'s Shared to mount and access my wife's shared folder over my home's network. Just hope that my enthusiasm about Ubuntu would not eventually greeted with dismay!

BN's Rohaizat Othman lost a seat in the Permatang Pasir's by-election on 26-08-09 to PAS's Mohd Salleh Man by a 4,551-vote minority against 9.618 total votes.

After that, Penang Umno chief cum Defense Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said "Since the people of Permatang Pasir didn't want to change, thus the future development of this district will be hauled down."

I find his vindictive remark over the failure on the by-election totally repugnant. Did he abused his power to take the bread out of people's mouth?

Instead of accepting their failure, he had bottled up all their anger and resentment and poured scorn on the suggestion that the district of Permatang Pasir would not be developed further.

It sounded like whatever floats his boat that he has the power to decide the fate of the peoples of Permatang Pasir on development.

Please bear in mind that the peoples of Permatang Pasir do paying their income taxes and are legitimate to be given with appropriate repayment on level playing field. Otherwise they must be fully exempted from taxation.

After reading the 'Fresh twist emerges in Teoh's case.'

It looks like the blogger of t4tbh.blogspot.com has decided to pluck DAP's eyebrows. Allegations after allegations with his supportive version of proofs were have been appended thereunder his blog. It's like there is no smoke without fire.

I've the curiosity which knows no bounds to know the identity of this particular blogger. Nevertheless, who's who the blogger is also a person to be interested by the police and the Royal Commission of inquiry.

In China, often that this kind of curiosity could be powerfully tracked down by an offering of 人肉搜索 (human search engine).

Do you know who's he?

As I came across The Most Singapore Blog Entries yesterday, a topic listed as 'The 45 lessons of life, written by a 90 year old' was found again being blogged.

The snapes.com which often tell for any misconception on circulations revealed that it's not a hoax but it's just an analecta of "Text reproduces newspaper columnist's list of '45 lessons life taught me.'"

The writer, Ms Regina Brett who is a long-time columnist for Ohio newspapers and who was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2009 for "her range of compelling columns that move the heart, challenge authority and often trigger action while giving readers deeper insight into life's challenges" is now actually 53 years old by this year.

"People are still e-mailing my "50 Life Lessons" around the world saying I'm 90. " said Brett in her blog recently. "One person went too far and used Twitter to send out this tweet: Regina Brett was a columnist for The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio. She passed away in her 90s. She left a lot of wisdom." She added.

One of the circulators named as "leeaper" has made his apology posted beneath Brett's blog like this "My dearest Ms Brett, please accept my sincerest apology. I was one of those who made you 90 and I feel such a fool for not having researched it more thoroughly!"

But the conundrum, who's the very 1st person who'd mistakenly or else arbitrarily written 90 as Brett's age, is remains to be seen. Perhaps one would have an interest to submit "Regina Brett is 90," into Google's brain axis and find the clue from about 247,000 results shown. May you?


比如 “我想当州务大臣,袋袋平安,且拥有几百万零吉的豪宅” 这对我来讲,简直就是个梦想。因为这个梦想与目标实在是太离谱了,简直是个goal imposible之意。基本上,先有了梦想,再有了理想,才会有目标之达。但这三个里程碑并非是自然顺序发展的个儿。其中必需靠努力和一系列的因素,才能达到所理想的目标。


老马说“2012 年以后,大马人都是stupid fellows。” 言之有理。

各政党高层领导者却纷纷议云 “这是我们一路来所力争的立场与政策。“ 言之亦成理。


-- image source: fr. web --

Yesterday I was totally bemused by the 'No plastic bags day' after I'd have pushing a half fully loaded trolley of wet groceries for checking out at the counter of a local supermarket. I stood rooted to the counter front, bewildered by all that 'no-plastic' situation and hesitated to whether to accept charge of 20 sen per plastic bag. At the time when pushing the trolley for unloading goods directly into my car is impossible because I was traveling by 'bus 11' from my office nearby.

Only then I'd remembered that the Penang Government launched the ‘No Plastic Bags Day’ today initiatively mandated with - no more free plastic bags to shoppers on Mondays, and the ayes have it.

Since I didn't want to be overcharged (as I felt) for the providing of 20 sen per plastic bag of merely at a cost of few sen. Therefore I asked the cashier for any alternative thing to pack my goods such as paper bag or fastener tape or string to offering help. The alien cashier was just shaking her head with a simultaneous answering of 'tadak-tadak'.

It couldn't help and the frustration bereft me of words. Inevitably I'd to discard the rest but only managed to checking out with just a handful of my favorite sausages. In causation I have to passing them one hand after another because of frozen-in chill while making my exit. Indeed this 'no plastic' incident was a blessing in disguise, because I afterwards found less dip into my purse.

No wonder I found that it was an anomaly of "only 2-3 kittens" in the store that day!

At the end, the green makes me greener and 'no plastic bag' lets my family be communicated together for averting Monday's shopping as less as possible or otherwise opt for lighter purchase then usual.

My close encounter of 'no plastic day' indicates that:-

1. People would eventually manage to avert shopping on Monday or to make less purchasing on this day.

2. Ancillary items of paper bags or fastener strings should otherwise be provided alternatively. In case of uncertainty or unknowing such as for outstation customers.

3. No plastic day will help to bring austerity included shop rationing and eat less.

4. No plastic day begets plastic-bag income should not be solely favorable to sellers, consumers should also be partly rewarded.

A government, most of the times, is simply a wasteful necessary evil. But one thing we can't tolerate is that more often than not, it creates trouble out of nothing.

The Accountant Negara, out of sudden are awaken themselves from comatose state recently to perform outdoor audit, causing business people to be busy on doing an added accounting and clerical chores to response to this so-called extracurricular activity. They are claiming to exercise a program of outdoor audit under Section 12 of The Unclaimed Money Act, 1965 merely to examine a company is whether complying to a small chapter of the said act.

Many can't help but wonder why this kind of activity which has been lain like a sleeping dog for more than 40 years, is now being roused. Is that the Accountant Negara has turned over a new leaf to pull up their socks? Hopefully they can erect themselves to audit the books of Ponzi schemes, Ah Long, fraudulent gold bars operators and illegal deposit-takers etc. more intensive rather than the ordinary businesses.

Nevertheless I'm sure most of the entrepreneurs are bitching about the audit exercise which caused a lot of disquiet among the common business people on how the government is spending taxpayers' money with wasteful resources.

Audit the accounts of entrepreneurs here and there is positively surreal. Government pays more on excessive staffs; entrepreneurs waste more clerical resources to attend and answer to the audit. All in all, it's just a waste of time to run an eye over a few pages of financial reports.

Quite common that we can't find any conciseness on government's tabulations and rulings. The government are always found to be irrational on the administration of public businesses. A new broom sweeping clean is a common manner where a tumultuous, a confused rush. As a rule, they used to stretch the rule according to their own reasoning at will irrespective of the burden of red-tape that will be passed on to the common people. Like many high-handed income tax bureaucrats who are always derisively vilified as the day-light dakoit by many Chinese people.

Some said that Malaysia's laws and rulings are highly volatile. Even many government officers are vague and unwitting on many of the details of frequently anew rulings. And the lack of decent public awareness is a great disadvantage to common people. Since the ignorance of the law excuses no man, but only government man.

The government of the day must not waste resources with minimal or nonsense values. Government funds should be utilized efficiently to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of the common people and business community. Lets general businessmen peacefully bring home the bacon for the economy to run in order.

My submission is that a three-year comparative list of Accounts Payable, if made possible to produce as a prima facie evidence to replace the daunting audit by the authority, would succinctly and effectively be served as a compliance to a specific part of the Unclaimed Money acts. Simplicity is the best policy!












I told a friend that I had a frugal meal of "Chinese sharkfin" (a figurative expression refers to fried rice vermicelli "meehoon" by Penangists) last night. He immediately japed at me for being too frugal to torture my stomach and teased forwardly that monies couldn't be carried away at a time when our both legs have had strengthened into straight set.

I smiled and retorted that money is indispensable to life, especially during this financial hard time; wasteful acts will make you die first; thrifty acts will make me survive longer. Blithely, both of us had laughed out loudly for our amusing caricatures before our farewell ta-ta.

Yes, neither none of us is wrong nor correct. It's a circumstantial matter of the timing to save or to spend. But I think most of the Chinese are more conservative than Americans of large number who are abundant in living for deficit spending. That's how different culture of spending made different world within countries.

From the economic perspective, nearly 70 percent of activity is derived from consumers. If everyone saves during a slack period, economic activity will decrease, thus making everyone poorer. Deflation as well as the devaluation of liquidity will follow suits, thus making the market into a dead-lock situation just like the marketplace status quo.

On the other hand, if everyone spends and continues to put his money into investments, economy will grow, GDP will surge, development will be boon, thus making everyone richer. The burble game will be back to its spindle. Then you'll see everybody is busying making his job and be able to spend happily.

Recently, economists are reasoning over a point of whether the series of government's financial stimulus would re-instill confidence into the minds of the masses. And when will the market be alive again. Every suggestion does have its own justification and all are really ambiguous.

Despite the w00t & w00t of cash handouts by various governments. My contention is that eventually the market will be back to its normal life as soon as people have forgotten fear, the fear of economy plunging. Usually people tend to forget bad time in short time!


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In Hokkien, this phase literally means "not having work". It has recently been accustomed to answer with self-sarcasm on most compliments for courtesy when greeted. With the impact of rough economy, I'm now frequently dangling my cuckoo clock.

The global financial storm sweeping the world is inflicting heavy casualties on developed and developing countries alike. Malaysia, in particular, has been hit hard by the back-down of foreign investments and political wrangling.

Thus my saving interest yield has shrunk almost to half; my dividends in terms of shares investments have been acidic; my EPF dividend has also diminished. On top of that, principals in saving have inevitably thinning in value against sharp inflation.

I have however taken my stand on most abstinence - forgo expensive vacations, costly dinners, shopping mall splurges and even less (less adrenaline and pall on it) blogging. I'm therefore opting instead for the quiet simplicity of "dangling my cuckoo clock" at home. Just hoping that my dangling is impermanent!