Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

A government, most of the times, is simply a wasteful necessary evil. But one thing we can't tolerate is that more often than not, it creates trouble out of nothing.

The Accountant Negara, out of sudden are awaken themselves from comatose state recently to perform outdoor audit, causing business people to be busy on doing an added accounting and clerical chores to response to this so-called extracurricular activity. They are claiming to exercise a program of outdoor audit under Section 12 of The Unclaimed Money Act, 1965 merely to examine a company is whether complying to a small chapter of the said act.

Many can't help but wonder why this kind of activity which has been lain like a sleeping dog for more than 40 years, is now being roused. Is that the Accountant Negara has turned over a new leaf to pull up their socks? Hopefully they can erect themselves to audit the books of Ponzi schemes, Ah Long, fraudulent gold bars operators and illegal deposit-takers etc. more intensive rather than the ordinary businesses.

Nevertheless I'm sure most of the entrepreneurs are bitching about the audit exercise which caused a lot of disquiet among the common business people on how the government is spending taxpayers' money with wasteful resources.

Audit the accounts of entrepreneurs here and there is positively surreal. Government pays more on excessive staffs; entrepreneurs waste more clerical resources to attend and answer to the audit. All in all, it's just a waste of time to run an eye over a few pages of financial reports.

Quite common that we can't find any conciseness on government's tabulations and rulings. The government are always found to be irrational on the administration of public businesses. A new broom sweeping clean is a common manner where a tumultuous, a confused rush. As a rule, they used to stretch the rule according to their own reasoning at will irrespective of the burden of red-tape that will be passed on to the common people. Like many high-handed income tax bureaucrats who are always derisively vilified as the day-light dakoit by many Chinese people.

Some said that Malaysia's laws and rulings are highly volatile. Even many government officers are vague and unwitting on many of the details of frequently anew rulings. And the lack of decent public awareness is a great disadvantage to common people. Since the ignorance of the law excuses no man, but only government man.

The government of the day must not waste resources with minimal or nonsense values. Government funds should be utilized efficiently to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of the common people and business community. Lets general businessmen peacefully bring home the bacon for the economy to run in order.

My submission is that a three-year comparative list of Accounts Payable, if made possible to produce as a prima facie evidence to replace the daunting audit by the authority, would succinctly and effectively be served as a compliance to a specific part of the Unclaimed Money acts. Simplicity is the best policy!