Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

After reading the 'Fresh twist emerges in Teoh's case.'

It looks like the blogger of t4tbh.blogspot.com has decided to pluck DAP's eyebrows. Allegations after allegations with his supportive version of proofs were have been appended thereunder his blog. It's like there is no smoke without fire.

I've the curiosity which knows no bounds to know the identity of this particular blogger. Nevertheless, who's who the blogger is also a person to be interested by the police and the Royal Commission of inquiry.

In China, often that this kind of curiosity could be powerfully tracked down by an offering of 人肉搜索 (human search engine).

Do you know who's he?

As I came across The Most Singapore Blog Entries yesterday, a topic listed as 'The 45 lessons of life, written by a 90 year old' was found again being blogged.

The snapes.com which often tell for any misconception on circulations revealed that it's not a hoax but it's just an analecta of "Text reproduces newspaper columnist's list of '45 lessons life taught me.'"

The writer, Ms Regina Brett who is a long-time columnist for Ohio newspapers and who was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2009 for "her range of compelling columns that move the heart, challenge authority and often trigger action while giving readers deeper insight into life's challenges" is now actually 53 years old by this year.

"People are still e-mailing my "50 Life Lessons" around the world saying I'm 90. " said Brett in her blog recently. "One person went too far and used Twitter to send out this tweet: Regina Brett was a columnist for The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio. She passed away in her 90s. She left a lot of wisdom." She added.

One of the circulators named as "leeaper" has made his apology posted beneath Brett's blog like this "My dearest Ms Brett, please accept my sincerest apology. I was one of those who made you 90 and I feel such a fool for not having researched it more thoroughly!"

But the conundrum, who's the very 1st person who'd mistakenly or else arbitrarily written 90 as Brett's age, is remains to be seen. Perhaps one would have an interest to submit "Regina Brett is 90," into Google's brain axis and find the clue from about 247,000 results shown. May you?


比如 “我想当州务大臣,袋袋平安,且拥有几百万零吉的豪宅” 这对我来讲,简直就是个梦想。因为这个梦想与目标实在是太离谱了,简直是个goal imposible之意。基本上,先有了梦想,再有了理想,才会有目标之达。但这三个里程碑并非是自然顺序发展的个儿。其中必需靠努力和一系列的因素,才能达到所理想的目标。


老马说“2012 年以后,大马人都是stupid fellows。” 言之有理。

各政党高层领导者却纷纷议云 “这是我们一路来所力争的立场与政策。“ 言之亦成理。


-- image source: fr. web --

Yesterday I was totally bemused by the 'No plastic bags day' after I'd have pushing a half fully loaded trolley of wet groceries for checking out at the counter of a local supermarket. I stood rooted to the counter front, bewildered by all that 'no-plastic' situation and hesitated to whether to accept charge of 20 sen per plastic bag. At the time when pushing the trolley for unloading goods directly into my car is impossible because I was traveling by 'bus 11' from my office nearby.

Only then I'd remembered that the Penang Government launched the ‘No Plastic Bags Day’ today initiatively mandated with - no more free plastic bags to shoppers on Mondays, and the ayes have it.

Since I didn't want to be overcharged (as I felt) for the providing of 20 sen per plastic bag of merely at a cost of few sen. Therefore I asked the cashier for any alternative thing to pack my goods such as paper bag or fastener tape or string to offering help. The alien cashier was just shaking her head with a simultaneous answering of 'tadak-tadak'.

It couldn't help and the frustration bereft me of words. Inevitably I'd to discard the rest but only managed to checking out with just a handful of my favorite sausages. In causation I have to passing them one hand after another because of frozen-in chill while making my exit. Indeed this 'no plastic' incident was a blessing in disguise, because I afterwards found less dip into my purse.

No wonder I found that it was an anomaly of "only 2-3 kittens" in the store that day!

At the end, the green makes me greener and 'no plastic bag' lets my family be communicated together for averting Monday's shopping as less as possible or otherwise opt for lighter purchase then usual.

My close encounter of 'no plastic day' indicates that:-

1. People would eventually manage to avert shopping on Monday or to make less purchasing on this day.

2. Ancillary items of paper bags or fastener strings should otherwise be provided alternatively. In case of uncertainty or unknowing such as for outstation customers.

3. No plastic day will help to bring austerity included shop rationing and eat less.

4. No plastic day begets plastic-bag income should not be solely favorable to sellers, consumers should also be partly rewarded.