Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

Some anak-anak Malaysia broke into my house this morning before dawn and stole my newly purchased Yamaha Nouvo motorcycle. This is the second time of atrocity happened within a year's time. My friends all said that one must always learn to grin and bear it here (the bolehland), because those crime makers are hardly be having their collars felt and be charged. What can you do is bemoaning the haplessness several times at due course!

So this has nevertheless satirized the statement of "Malaysia is a safe place" which is often be uttered by politicians as well as mass media.

Another satire is the Report of lost at police station which took me more than one hour to complete. This includes the time to wake up policemen from logging Z's and the time to help in configuring one OC's printer to get function.

Yeah! Malaysia boleh!

Compared to previous pre-national day celebration, fever fluttering of national flags in the streets was an anomaly. The ambience of Merdeka spirit had surprisingly diminished. Why?

Maybe some thought that being patriotism was not necessarily related to the meaning of flying national flag;

Maybe one was reluctant to rise the flag under the volatile political situation although he loved our country very much;

Maybe some had a propensity of keeping his flag inside the drawer to show their discontent about the bad government;

Maybe some reserved to be happier to fly flag later if there were new government born;

Maybe some had have unhinged by the high pump prices and putting up of a flag has become a repugnant thing to them;

There certainly were hundreds of disparate reasons to justify for ambivalence.

But I just couldn't buy a flag under high inflation pressure to wave in the street and I thought of saving money over unnecessary expenditure in order to meet the inflated electricity charges. The only way I can do is flutering the flag over here.

An SMS from one of my buddies informed me the news of the death of Loh Cheng Sun, my former teacher, and wish to extend my regrets for a great loss to his family.

In retrospect, my school life under his teaching seems happier than in reality and it reminds me of an interesting incident. There was a time the teacher was furious and chastised one of my classmates with a corporal punishment after receiving the ludicrous answer "coconut tree has hairs" in a discussion about the commercial values of coconut tree. In fact, this was the first time and the only one I'd had seen the teacher in getting his blood boil during my school life. Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic.

Also regretted for not being able to discover his blog earlier.

His posthumous works is however being tagged into my reading list in honoring his memory.

今天 2008 年 08 月 26, 天氣: 豔陽高照。心情: 不慌不忙。

今天一大清早起床,发现長了針眼的右眼已经消肿了,蠻開心的。老伴也似乎很開心的起了身而正在忙着装扮。因为今天我们都有一个很重要的共同意图;去take part改朝换代的活动。

八点半,来到了投票站, 那是詩歌布朗再也的胡先翁投票站,接受了公正黨支持者的招呼与握手, 然后进場, 给安華补上了两張的上京票。回程哼着take me home country road ......。

In the mix of political tussles and mob demagogies that were very tumultuous and enigmatic, I spent the past few weeks enjoying the burlesque about the diminution of national's pump price that has been theatrically discussed. By golly, you can see two fighting cocks (Soo Kuan vs Guan Eng) are bickering before close encounter over a bowl of missing rice in the mean time.

Negative politicians all the while talk about subsidies or else using golden finger for delusion as if it would be a short-term solution to high oil prices, but that simply wouldn’t be the case at all. The dull and disingenuous politicians are selling the sizzle and not the satay. They made you high by verbal guarantee but let you suffered at the end from inflation.

The crescendo in the last movement led to just an orate of Badawi yesterday that declining world crude oil price gave good hope for the government to reduce pump prices. This hope will not very sure be fulfilled in line with a so called "floating price mechanism" for petrol proposed to be implemented this Sept 1.

I'm not a pessimist but I just can't believe the norm of "tunggu tenggoh" (wait & see) attitude, the frequent applicable golden rule of the government of which is basically finished in a state of ambiguity.

Shall the pump price then be lowered?

The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympics was generally perceived by peoples as a wonderful display of amazing performances. It is by far the most outstanding Olympic Ceremony that many people did agree. I really enjoyed the moment the former gymnastics star Li Ning was flying high to light the cauldron of the Beijing Olympic.

As I came to understand that parts of the performances were faked; the little girl who starred at the Olympic opening ceremony was shown in mime and one fireworks display was prerecorded, I had a qualm. It reminds me of an old proverb that Chinese people are used to "slap his own face to get it a fatter face in order to symbolize as rich people."

For whatever reasons to overshade the real singer, a seven-year-old girl Yang Peiyi who is not considered charming in the eyes of the authority, is an insult to her. It is actually a discrimination against human nature to want only a beautiful face. I think China has hurt her pride by just profiting her voice and not her face. It is in fact not a sign of humility to declaim against the praise of Olympic where it was all about projecting the beautify image of China irrespective of honesty and reality.