Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

After nearly a month of being away, I finally made my way back to this "lu-kong wa-kong" (bloging) circle. Sorry man! my readers (although it's small in number) Truly being away from the blog wasn't by choice. It was because I've been welcomed to "Gout land", an atmosphere of being suffered from gout.

At there, I've to take a new leaf of life. Diet has to be disciplined. I've to say no to foods that are considered high in purine content such as shellfish, red meats, organ meats, beef, beans and nuts etc. Especially the limitation of wine intake, that is the most heart-cutting option. Gout is not only discriminating me but my wife too. As she'd have to follow me to diet in such a way I did since it's now only "just the 2 of us."

Basically I took Goutnil (painkiller), Indomethacin (anti inflammation agent) and Allopurinol (uric acid reducer) daily that are obtaining over the counter. I've done a broad research on gout and getting to know that the best medicine was regular exercise.

I've also suffered from insomnia occasionally because of gout. Sometimes it felt like an owl - active in the night and sleepy in the day. No matter how I rolled and flipped on bed, it sometimes just couldn't get sleep.

It's all about the culprit, the excessiveness of uric acid resulting to gout!

This morning, I read about the intro of a book called "The Right to Write" by Julia Cameron in the Startwo column. The intro has never the less given me some encouragements to share my experiences with you, that's how "I'm back" be written.


oh no wonder i no see you blogging (and commenting in my blog!). you were in goutland. :)

you feeling better now? so you have to be careful with your diet and remember to take your medication like a good boy.

Kam seah lu lucia.

I am also a gout sufferer.You mentioned you are taking goutnil everyday.I just visitited my doc yesterday and he told me to take goutnil on an SOS basis only.He told me not to take it everyday unless truly necessary.I was just wondering what your GP's comments were on this tablet.It seems this med is a highly poisonous alkaloid and shud be taken with precation.

anonymous, thank for your info. I actually took Goutnil twice daily until the pain stop, then stop. Before that I used to take Aspirin which I think is more harmful.