Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

Although Sharon Stone had made her apology for her previous remarks at the Cannes Film Festival last week that the earthquake that struck China was the result of bad karma. Her remarks were like an arsenic that had hurt deeply the feeling of not only China's people but the Chinese of the world as well. People have a strong animosity against her personality.

Stone tends to be a contentious figure to making controversial remarks. In 1993 she claimed that German Jews "brought it on themselves, man" about the Holocaust, and in 2007 she also said that the tsunami that killed thousands of people was "like, showing those people they should have learned to swim faster." All of her remarks are baseless and are palpably harassing with carping and frivolousness.

Most celebrities who have first class mentality with conscience would always show their love to the community. Only those who have third class mentality with disdain, like Stone, would always deride other people.

Now it seems that a real bad karma is doomed to strike on her. Many pledges by many Chinese mainland and Hong Kong cinemas not to screen her movies again; Cosmetic chains are removing advertisements that containing her image; and a boycott event of products linked to her image is underway. On top of that, Chinese netizens saw her to be a felon more than a bitch!

Reported by Chinanews.com, 10,000 quake rescuers had courageously rescued 60,745 people out from the rubbles.

"According to a heraldic report, 60,745 trapped people and 1716 cheated-death survivors had been rescued from the rubbles by an approximate of 10,000 policemen, firefighters and medical workers." said by the minister assistant of the Ministry of Public Security, Sun Yongbo during an interview at Beijing, May 22.

If the data were accurate, it would denote an agile rescue that is honorable. Nevertheless, their indomitable efforts to save quake victims should be extolled and be given a tribute.

I feel sadness for those people who had lost their lives in this Sichuan earthquake!

At a time when all people with conscience are wholeheartedly making their efforts and contributions to help save as many lives as possible from the Sichuan Province 8.0 magnitude earthquake disaster. A devoid of the heart of shame was incredibly happened at the other end.

A cargo of quake-aid goods which was in the midst of delivery to the quake-hit areas by a group of quake-relief volunteers has seen being frantically robbed by some ugly villagers, who were acting from expediency. not from principle.

The rummage and rip-off of goods took only 3 minutes to completely vacate the cargo.

The volunteers stood aghast at the sudden appearance of the day-light stealers. They could not do anything except to sneer at the stealers "Are you all consider as Chinese people?" 「 你 們 還 算 中 國 人 嗎 ? 」

Shouldn't those who had made expediency of the disaster, afflict with conscience and feel ashamed of themselves?

Picture source: appleactionews

The demeanors of father raping his own underage daughter is an abomination and must be seriously chastised.

The just happening news of this "Father accused of raping 4yr-old daughter" and that "Shocked over hubby molesting own daughter" is enough to get on my nerves.

If I were Black Justice, certainly I'll bring this kind of vicious father to heel, by not putting him into jail but instead I'll amputate his cock 3 inches per evil act. Thus letting him to be on the rack for unable to have sexual pleasure anymore for his life. The verdict he had deserved to be punished!

The government is determined to bring down inflation as there appears to be a growing discontent about inflation. I am sure most of the Malaysians especially those who are poor are gnashing their teeth with bitch over the depreciation of their ringgit to spend.

"The government was aware of the situation and had made immediate allocations worth billions of riggit to ensure that Malaysians were not burdened by inflation." PM Pak Lah said when delivering the Umno president's message yesterday.

The purport of what he has said is that he will continue using allocations most probably be siphoned from other sectors' allocations to fight for the inflation. I see this as an "apong cooking" business deriding the effort of using only 3 covers to look after 10 pans of 'apong' in cooking. Apparently there is a risk of making some 'apongs' to be spoilt.

Most people know that the best medicine for curing inflation is the form of "inflation targeting" which says that whenever price growth exceeds a target level, interest rates should be raised.

Like China, amid a major wave of international grain price hikes, it has managed to maintain stable domestic prices. Why? Because China's interest rate is keeping pace with inflation.

China had raised its interest rate 10 times in 2007 and 3 times during the early part of 2008. Today their central bank announced again that it would raise their 4th reserve requirement ratio for commercial banks by 0.5 percentage point to curb the rising inflation.

Here in Malaysia, economy has deteriorated sharply in recent years and wages are impossible to keep pace with inflation. Subsidies shall be evanesce under tight government spending.

The crude recipe for this situation is abstention. When interest rate is raised, people tend to spend less and save more, thus making the market deflation becomes an adversary to inflation.



一位美国明尼苏达州,与厌食症搏斗25年的世界上最瘦的男子之一Frail Jeremy Gillitzer。十年前,他以健壮的身材和强健的筋肉成为广受仰慕的男模特,但不幸的是,这一切被使他苍白、憔悴几乎皮包骨头的疾病给破坏了。

照片来源 - ic.eastday.com

一位挨饿,悲惨可怜的苏丹小女童,被Kevin Carter于1993年发现昏倒在灌木丛中而秃鹰在后头等候她的死亡。

照片来源 -http://flatrock.org.nz/topics/odds_and_oddities/ultimate_in_unfair.htm

劳动节有感而言 - 刚开始写部落格(blog)时,總希望能獲得來自讀者的互動,會進到我家(我的blog)裡坐坐喝杯茶,交換意見、噓寒問暖等等, 甚至期盼能有所謂社群的形成。但后来却发现大部份部落格的讀者都是沉默的,也就是所謂的"潛水客",也许他們有看了我的文章而不置可否,感覺好像是經過我家門口,瞄一眼然後就走人了。



再者是"事事不要抱怨,社会充满不公平现象。你先不要想去改造它,只能先适应它。因为你管不了它" 比尔.盖茨的第一金玉良言。