Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

Last Wednesday, few of us, old chaps, met and dined at Chameleon restaurant of Air Itam, Penang with great delight. It has been nearly 30 years we hadn`t met in such a way.

We're of an age now, no longer young yet not entirely "chi cheong fun" (faded out), moving slower and eating less than we did. We had the past in common, were once schoolmates of Chung Ling high school who ate a lot and played boisterously. I remembered them at school, they were minded boys who would study amusingly at class, played games naughtily after school, ventured for sight seeing on weekends and usually tensed up just before examination. One of us, Ah Loong, a cheerful, sandy-haired man of about 280 pounds, was fair being designated to continue as our monitor since the school days of yesteryear. By far, he was the biggest in size and the richest in noesis than most of us.

We touched upon the subjects of sex, health, shares and business but more on health since it was gula that we had always concerned. I wondered why people were only seriously taking good health cares when they had become old chaps. And by no surprise, 4 out of 6 dishes we had consumed that night were vegetables.

When deliberated about the vigra, my introduction of "liap liap cheir", an imitation of vigra which would make man last for few hours as claimed, made them vigorously grasping and shaking their hands to disagree on contrast. Perhaps it was too good for an old chap!

One of us, Ah Saw, queried on how to determine a sounded company by judging on its annual reports. Shit! all the financial reports were man-made, you would not even know the accruals and relays of some crucial items. So I just recommended him to simply weight on the appearance of the reports, thick meant good and thin meant bad. It was that simple!

Another chap, Ah Kiet, was compounding on doing the business of bread maker. According to his imagination, bread would eventually became the major food when the scientists had alas declared that bird flu be transmittable within human. But none of us knew how to bake roti. I think it is time for us to learn making dough from flour before we got flu.

We invariably ended up talking about pain and soul, a spin-off of menopause. Women usually found their menopause when their menstrual cycle ended. Surprisingly we too found our menopause when the "juice of spirit" became lower in quantity and the power of spitting (ejaculation) became nearer in distance. That was how we had chewed out from our talking on this topic. I think this is most probably the general definition of man's menopause, am I right!

By the way of further variation as to rendezvous, Ah Loong suggested that our old chaps' meeting would be made often these days probably before the Chinese new year. See you old chaps!


Hey, please do not simply increase my weight, I am not so heavy, only about 100kg, i.e. 220lb.

We are all assigned with quotas for what we can and cannot do.

For sex, our tap has been fixed with economic useful life. When we use it more often, the lifespan would be shorter.

For food and drink, it is the same. The "force" allocated us so much food and drink (including VSOP) to consume, it depends how we juggle the quota. If we abuse them in our early age, we use up the quota faster.

It is also the same in the case of TIME. We have been programmed to live in 8x3 hours a day. If we use our sleeping time for other purpose, we die faster.

Now, we only have two choices: to live or to go. To live, we have to play by the rules (fixed by the "force").

I want to live very loooooooong!

Eh, so so lah, you look 300lb. I know what you mean of "quotas", lets enumerate how many times I still have in the balance!!! Oh! not much!

Your article gives me inspiration and allows me to think. I have group of friends-best friends so called, hanging out together and talks almost about anything. We are very transparent with each other, and sometimes it makes me think- " what will happen when we reach the 'age'?' 'Are we going to be the same as who we are?'...the feeling that i can not describe when i imagine the same situation but at the 'age'...happy perhaps, glad and grateful.... and i believe i feel blessed...enjoy yourlife as much as you can...

Dr.Prince, thanks for your greeting.

Living a long time is one of our deepest wishes, and medical and economic progress offers the hope that it will be fulfilled. Some scientists say that the average human lifespan could reach 76 years or more in Asia but I don't think so.
Certainly the physical and mental abilities (also feeling) would be reduced when we come to aged.

What if our wish is granted? What good is a longer life if we cannot maintain our standard of living and happiness?

Its true that Living a long time is one of our deepest wishes, and medical and economic progress offers the hope that it will be fulfilled. Some scientists say that the average human lifespan could reach 76 years or more in Asia but I don't think so.Certainly the physical and mental abilities (also feeling) would be reduced when we become old.