Picatho's causeries

Oh, $#@%! Sitting with my shoulders shrugged up

The year of the Dog is around the corner. I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous CNY holidays! May this dog's year bring lots of happiness, good health and luck to your family. Gong Xi Fa Cai, Ban Soo Lu Ee!

Now before we usher in the New Year, a little slicking up is needed to be getting in order. Usually in conventional ways, Chinese will perform a spring-cleaning, prepare some cookies, do house decoration with lanterns and red displays, buy new clothes, stock up Mandarin oranges and soft drinks, and will do many other NY related activities such as giving out gifts and the preparation of "ang pow" ....

I reckon this as an obligation rather then convention for parents. Doing the CNY preparation job has other meanings beside traditional means. In fact, this is the best time to get together in perfect harmony for family members and by chance this is the happiest moment that you can find from the happy faces of your children. You are obliged to bond your families by creating the CNY mode in line with the preparation works. Actually, you don't need to have a conceptual thinking or a big deal to prepare for the CNY, just follow some conventional ways to suit your style and situation will do.

I've been doing these for over 30 years. Today I've savoured the fruit. Children have cooperatively come together and have done the CNY preparation works for me. That's why I always acclimate to the mode of CNY!

I was tagged by Cmos who has "see me up"! The so called 10 words determined essay similar as what the charming girl, yvy who has done a fine meme job.

It seems that there are 4 golden rules which the tagged person must abides to or else he/she would be castrated mercilessly like some Dynasty Ching eunuch according to Cmos. But what has surprised me is that how female could be castrated? Sealing up in a particular way? This one you have to consult Cmos!

The rules:

1) write an entry of between 100-200 words, with the words hereof must be mentioned once only in the entry:

- I
- me
- blowjob
- grapes
- random
- power
- loneliness
- water
- robot
- blue

2) Out of the 10 words, you can only change 2 words.
[I adhere to the order]

3) Your essay must make some kind of sense. if it's not cool, then it won't be getting published…
[if it's a nonsense, also be published]

4) Send to 5 people.

My tags go to any 5 volunteers.

OK lah, hereunder it's mine which is composed into one strikingly unconventional para --

Some things that I have seen and some flicks that people have shown me long long time ago, are completely not different from what are available these days. It is still the same old day's damp-things including the styles of blowjob; the beautiful kinds of grapes shows; the typical ways of random strokes; the traditional power play; the exhibition of motion in loneliness for sharing the feelings; the motion characteristic of spiritual water; the employment of robotics equipments; and many other colorful creatures playing the same old day's sandwich game. These are all the things that nothing special which could be found at some sites that are full of blue birds and red swans flying at that particulars skies! The only big different is the faster speed you get to refresh your eyes thanks to the modern infrastructures. The arts of beauty lie only with real men who know how to perceive. But generally people's smile belied their real feelings of discomfort when coming across these things. If chickenhearted! beg your pardon please!

In the public eyes, food shoplifting is quite common and can easily be seen at supermarkets here. Perhaps it is an eccentric behavior; it is an addiction; it is a job; it is a characteristic of barbarian; or perhaps it is a symptom of herpes simplex encephalitis.

Last Saturday, when I was shopping at the Jesco of Bayan Lepas, I was surprising to see many shapeshifters although fetching with children were getting around a counter which was stuffed with offered grapes. They were accessibly swallow the grapes right there. As if they were enjoying a free eating at a free fruit-fair!

At first, I loathed these freebooters but as I saw them made no scruple to perform the shoplifting and without concerning that it was a scurvy trick, I had condoned them. Assuming that they were just a group of people who were simply the first timer to town and who were the misfortune people of this scrubby society. On the other hand, the supermarket authority was not taking any action for such food shoplifting act. Do you hate this kind of food shoplifters?

Too many people regard this as a minor issue. Perhaps many have done it themselves at some point in their life. I think it's worth to spell out the conclusion "Food shoplifting by parents in the presence of children is a shameful act and is frequently a 'gateway' to more serious future offences by children."

2006, a year as yet unstained by human deviation, corruption and natural destruction -- a year, too, of new discoveries and achievements waiting to be made. Will the Malaysia prosper? And on the economic side, what will impact our people? What do local soothsayers predict for the new year? natural disasters extent, petrol price surges, electricity rate raises, interest rate rises, share prices sour, intro of GST, inflation and the health concerns for chicken make this 2006 to be a challenging year!

The good things -- political stability is what we are going to enjoy as no election will happen in this year; more income tax reliefs for personal such as increased child refief and lenient estimating tax payable will make taxpayers less burdened; returning of foreign investment is likely to take the hike with the attractiveness of increased interest rate and brassy shares; 50% discount on stamp duty for SMEs borrowing will give SMEs more oats; national saving of about RM16 billion to RM18 billion upon subsidy on petroleum products will drive the budgetary deficit to a lower point of GDP from 3.8% of 2005; much lower import duty on household commodities such as clothing and electrical goods will increase consumption spending and is economically beneficial; and the conservative government steering by Pak Lah who is a non spendthrift alike is likely to save something for the nation.

The bad things -- petrol price will go up due to less subsidy; relatively the cost of living would be increased in term of inflation and probably you would see the increment of electricity rate, toll charges, food prices etc. which would be a big belt for retirees; educational cost would never be justified with cheaper college fee although the gorvernment will give out the investment tax allowances of 100% on qualifing capital expenditures to higher learning institutions; overspending is supposed to spring up as young consumers are vulnerable to persuasive life such as credit cards, telephonic goods and cars that promoting consumer debts, thus putting them at risk of deficits; Medical bill will not be lighten as public hospital is going to collect charges.

The ugly things -- corruption is seemed an unfinished story; social disorder is seemed an inexorable episode; education policy continues to deliberate between mother languages and English, and social services which were all the time lacking societal governance strive to demonstrate with no outstanding manner.

Either good or bad, it is certainly hoping for happier life then the retrospective year. The budget 2006 made last year was aiming to reduce the burden of the tax paying public brought about by the increase in petrol price, improve the quality of life of Malaysians and at the same time accelerate economic activity. May Malaysian enjoy a better living? May the public outlays be scrutinized with more meanings? Inestimably I hope so.